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January 10, 2012

Excuse me, can i ask something??

When the last time you call your parent?

ehem... ok...

How about your sibling? Did you call them?

I see... ok...

So.. what topic did you discuss? Politics? Study? Economy? Social problems maybe?

ehem.. interesting...

How's the discussion going? Is it great or just fair enough?

Ok.. I understand what you trying to say...

Actually, what I really want to ask is, do you tell them how do you feel about them? Love? Hate? or just Insignificant?

Maybe they didn't act the way you wanted...
Maybe sometime they just seems don't care about  you...
Maybe they don't even understand anything about you

But small portion inside their heart, they LOVE you...
very much more than you thinks...
maybe they didn't say it, express it...
but they do..
trust me...

Now you thinking... If they really do...
Just why they didn't act like they love you...
Why they didn't express it?
Why they didn't even say it?

herm.. good point...

Erm... allow me to ask you a couple of question more...
Why do you wait for them to start?
Why you didn't start with yourself?
Why you didn't become agents of change?

So you must start with yourself....
Call your family today...
Tell them that you LOVE them...
Maybe you think, they already know..
But just tell them that you LOVE them...
There will be difference..
 Trust me...

"We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying"
-Kris Allen, Live Like We're Dying

Above all, LOVE of your God is the Greatest!

p/s : If you can say "I Love You" every time you call you girlfriends/boyfriends, why can't you say "I Love You" to your family? I believe you call your girlfriends/boyfriends more often than your family right? ;p

"Enjoy Every Little Things!!"


  1. assalamualaikum..
    bila berjauhan dr family n parents (indo kira jauh la kan)..then be thankful, coz it'll be easier for us to say 'i love u' or 'i miss u' berbanding kalau duk msia kan?

    and yup, it made a big difference once u start saying those words to ur fam..

    and surely, u'll get it back iA! :)
